“Legitimate Interest” Under the GDPR
In our last blog post, we described generally the European Union’s new data privacy regulation that has everyone talking: The General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”). Under the GDPR, a company cannot process personal data unless it can provide a legal basis for doing so. If your company processes the personal information of people residing...
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What Does the GDPR Mean for U.S. Companies?
Starting May 25, 2018, U.S. companies who sell products or services in the European Union must ensure compliance with another data privacy law—this time from across the Atlantic. If your business touches Europe, you have likely heard of the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”). The GDPR seeks to harmonize EU Member States’ patchwork...
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SBA Expands OHA Jurisdiction to Include CVE Protests and Appeals
The jurisdiction of the Small Business Administration (“SBA”)’s Office of Hearings and Appeals (“OHA”) has been expanded to allow OHA to hear protests of eligibility for the Department of Veterans Affairs’ (“VA”) veteran-owned small business (“VOSB”) service-disabled veteran-owned small business (“SDVOSB”) program, known at the VA as the Center for Verification and Evaluation (“CVE”)...
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